Saturday, November 20, 2021

Response to conservative Christians celebrating Rittenhouse acquittal

You guys are such a great witness for the guy who told people to turn the other cheek and sacrificed his life to save others, even though he had the power to kill anyone who threatened him. No wonder so many people are leaving the church.

If only you looked at Kyle's victims and saw Jesus (Matthew 25:45), maybe you'd understand why other people don't see this as a cause for celebration.

Maybe if you saw them as human beings instead of a faceless enemy (with faults, yes, but that doesn't mean they deserved to die), you would wish for a resolution where nobody got killed instead of celebrating that the killer won't face any consequences (and inspire many more killers to come).

Maybe if you cared about human life, not just fetal life, you'd mourn the loss of these human lives.

Maybe if you interpreted these experiences thru the lens of scripture, instead of interpreting scripture thru the lens of your politics, you wouldn't be celebrating something that is DIRECTLY the opposite of what Jesus explicitly stood for.